I can remember the day, just as it was yesterday. September 11, 2001, I was sitting in Dr Hallab's Hospitality Finance class. Dr Hallab began getting angry and then cried. We just didnt understand. He escorted the class across from Joe Green Hall into the Southern Miss library. We sat in awe at what we were watching - the second plane crashing into the World Trade Center. It just didnt seem real.
As the news coverage continued, I raced home. I remembered that my dad's youngest brother, Uncle Keith, was in New York because Trisha needed some clothes. It was just an overwhelming feeling, questioning was he in there?
In addition to the worry and confusion, September 11 is actually a happy day - My Daddy's birthday! But on this day all we cared about was hearing from Uncle Keith. I sat on the stairs in my townhouse just waiting for the call. Hours later, daddy received a message that Uncle Keith was fine.
God Blessed Us.
The thought of the entire day's events is truly mind boggling and one day our children will study it in school. I pray that the families that lost their love ones are blessed. For this day will out live history.
God Blessed Us.
The thought of the entire day's events is truly mind boggling and one day our children will study it in school. I pray that the families that lost their love ones are blessed. For this day will out live history.
Let Us Not Forget....Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day?
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