Blog design and digital scrapbooking elements created by Adori Graphics »

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Even though it was soo cold outside, Noah wanted to play.  Right before it was time to come in, we called him a monkey and let him play in the tree!
Skylar is really getting animated!  I love how her eyes just shine!!!
These two could live in the bathtub together.  They play soo well, splash and laugh!
Ok, this was one of the best mommy moments yet!
This was after nap...Noah enjoyed letting Skylar rock on his belly!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


My adorable and Pink Preppy Lilly Lover cousin is hosting her first give - a- way.  Go visit her site....if you want to join in leave her a message on her comments...(let her know you read it via my blog!)

check it out here!

Monday, January 25, 2010



Unofficially, Jan. 25, 2010, will be remembered as a holiday in New Orleans. Records will indicate that no substantive was done on that day in the city, the day after the New Orleans Saints' 31-28 overtime thriller over Minnesota in the NFC championship game, which sent New Orleans to the NFL's championship game, Super Bowl XLIV in Miami, for the first time in franchise history.

more designs....

skylar showing off her black and gold
a new pirate design for noah
these are the fancy pants that match river's back tie dress

Saturday, January 23, 2010

3 months old....already!

More sewing fun!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

SKYLAR MACK....beware cuteness below!

I have an associate that also works vacation time at Walt Disney.  She bought this adorabe dress for Skylar and I have anxious to put her in it before she was born.  So an impromptu photoshoot was in need when i realized it fit!  Enjoy!!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Dropping Skylar off at school was heart-wrenching, even though it was for a "trial run"!  Noah stayed outside the classroom but you could see he was sad that he had to go upstairs and not stay with his baby sister.  I did accomplish much needed shopping for my design shop and then was about to enjoy a nice lunch with the hubby....WHEN...we got a call from the school....

The call was from the office manager, she said "skylar is fine, but the fire department is here because our downstairs heater blew!"  Ike and I scarf down our lunch and hit the road. 

Skylar's teacher said she did well, took a couple cat naps and took her bottle! 

We decided to just pick up Noah at the same time.  His teacher said he was sad for most of the morning.  He seemed concern about his sister.  At lunch time, his teacher let him go "check" on her.  He got to see her asleep in her crib and his entire disposition changed!  {arent I the luckiest to have awesome siblings!}

So we are back home, Wow! Wow! Wubzy! on tv, snuggling and relaxing!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

THRILLED...(but sad too)

By the end of this week, my online boutique site will be up and running!  I am soo thrilled to begin this new journey and am blessed to have a husband support this new road.  I can not wait!  I have been posting on here and facebook a few of the freebies I have made and have soo much more creativity to share.  I will be making little girl dresses, bows, smocked items, and most of all monogramming anything I can get my hands on!

Check back soon for the web address and bring your pocketbook!! :)

ps....THE SAD maternity leave is up ONE week from today! :(

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Skylar MacKenzie Joan, I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Godparents: Mae Johnson and DJ Sewell

Grandpa Pete and Grandma Shirley Rappold

Leah and DJ loving on Skylar

Woozie, Matt Matt, and Noah

the adorable cross that my parents gave Skylar Mack

Skylar MacKenzie Joan....

{the tradition continues....Skylar is wearing the same Christening gown that I wore AND my mother (AND her two sisters and brother) AND two of my cousins.  The  bonnet my great grandmother, Agnas made.}

Monday, January 4, 2010


These are just a few of our family portraits that Sambo of Sam Gregory Photography shot for us.  There were soo many to choose from.  We are sooo blessed to have Sambo in our life to caputure our growing family!