Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
For the last 2 days he has done really well when I dropped him off. So I thought it would be a change of pace to bring Noah to the library. {this was his reward for dealing with our separation anxiety!}
He walked in and said, "oooooooh, a BIG book store!" His eyes got huge looking around. Adorable! Then he found my mom waiting in the children's section - another little surprise his Mimi. She found books with Bob's picture on it. Noah told Bob {of course Bob came with us would you think that we left him?}, "You see Bob, its you. I read to you." Again, adorable.
Then it began, (he already speaks loud) I had to ask him to be quiet. After the third time he said, "No!" At that 15 minutes into the amazing "bookstore" adventure, we checkout the books and headed home.
{side note: We were leaving and I was mentioning to my mom that the customer service at the counter was absolutely appalling...at first I thought, "Well that is what I do for a living and being too harsh", but this was unbelievable. The man acted like I was inconveniencing him to check out my son's Bob the Builder books because the electronic check out was not working. Mom said that ever since the computer check out was installed the employees could care less. It is scary to think that computers are slowly removing what this country needs - customer service.} Sorry to go off on a tangent but have you ever experienced such horrible customer service?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Noah entertain...........................$50.00
Upgraded potty with all
the bells and whistles.................$35.00
Pull ups and big boy
hand soap.................................. $18.00
Having Noah potty trained.......PRICELESS
So as you can see, the potty chart is actually working! He has come a long way since the storm. I really hope this is the last week that we purchased pull ups. He has really taken to the potty especially great during naps and deaux deaux at night. I am so thankful. The time is nearing for underoo shopping soon!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
What an amazing night! Dad had a big week. He celebrated his retirement in Houston with GE Healthcare (Mom even flew over to honor him!) Then last night we went to Palace Cafe to delight in his Birthday. We had a blast. I had to share the photos.
Thursday, September 11, 2008

God Blessed Us.
The thought of the entire day's events is truly mind boggling and one day our children will study it in school. I pray that the families that lost their love ones are blessed. For this day will out live history.
Let Us Not Forget....Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Potty training doesn't last forever - like pregnancy, it feels like an eternity but will be over eventually!
Yesterday when we picked Noah up from school he was thrilled his teacher gave him a sticker. Between the chart on the fridge and at school this is bound to work RIGHT??? hahahaaaa....no....oh the pain of potty training! I love the fact that Noah tells me after the fact or fakes it.
I know this journey will end, but it truly does seem like eternity for him to learn!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Beat by Grandma!
I had to add these photos....(what a memory to have...)
Noah woke up from his nap to cheer Poppa on to win the game!
This was the final SCRABBLE board.
Noah loving on the winners - Popeye and Grandma!
Grandma Josie P was reading "Go Dog Go" to Noahbear before the storm hit at Parrian and Aunt Denise's house
Aunt Denise's mom gave Noah a baby "yashlight" (aka:flashlight). When the power finally went out Popeye (my dad) and Noah went looking outside and it came in handy.
Mr Monkey goes everywhere with us!
Home Sweet HOTEL and HOME
I hope by the time you read this that you are safe and relaxing.
We returned home from Baton Rouge at noon on Tuesday. We were able to get in with our Tier 2 pass from the hotel. It was nerve recking driving through to check on Grandma's house, our house and my parents. All were safe, but without electricity. We headed to the hotel who was working on back up generator. I worked for hours attempting to put the computers back on line. The hotel didnt have as much damage as expected: the Bistro was blown in from the UHaul building across the street was hollowed out and the siding is what hit our windows. Ike, Noah and I lived in the hotel for two days. It was a hoot...the boys helped inspect rooms, Noah made keys for the security people checking in. While Ike was at work at his business, Noah watched Backyardagans at the front desk for two days he was an angel. I was blessed to have Danielle and Sean at the hotel - they were my babysitter.
It has been a hoot, my girlfriend Mae has been living with us since she doesn't have power. Late nights, felt like we were back in college - it was a nice change a pace.
The hotel and our life is coming back to normal - as normal with a two year old as can be. My parents finally got power on Friday late night. Ike's has taken two days to finally clear all the leaves and trash in the front yard and to cut down the limbs. But I can honestly sigh with relief that we survived with success.
We love you all and cant wait to hear from you soon.