We have officially ventured into Underoos! How cute are these? Noah liked the boxer briefs instead of the cute old fashion boy underwear. He thinks he is a Big Boy now!
"Look at me Momma!"
For the last two days, Noah has gone to school in his big boy underwear and has only had 1 accident each day. We are so thrilled for him.
Bob couldnt figure out how to wear his underwear! (this is a product of Popeye - my dad! He taught Noah how to have a funny hat)
In addition to the outstanding new chapter of Potty Training growing close to the end, his separation anxiety at school is diminishing. All week he has laughed and played when we drop him off. He even says bye!
I guess I really have to face that he truly is a big boy (but forever my baby boy)
PS.........another huge milestone this week........my dad is officially retired!!!!
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