I have heard about Boo at the Zoo for years. I couldn't wait until Noah turned old enough to go. We gathered up Lilly and fam and my own and headed off to the amazing trick or treat fest at the Audubon Zoo.
It was adorable Noah dressed up as Bob the Builder (of course) and Bob came too! I bought Bob a Halloween costume too! Lilly (Minnie Mouse) and Noah (Bob) looked adorable! Until we entered the gates to begin out good time....
YEAP!!! Noah had a big boy accident. Thank goodness for a change of clothes because we needed to do a whole wardrobe change. (that is why you will notice him in a different outfit)
He had a blast anyway!
This is baby Griffin, Noah and Lilly posing in front of the huge elephant (I promise it is behind them!)
Noah really got the hang of opening his bag and saying "pitk o pete" (aka: Trick or Treat!)
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