On Thursday, I picked up Noah from school. He had tears in his eyes. His teacher (who puts him in the car) said his foot was sleeping and it scared him. I dismissed it. Throughout the evening he was not walking as fast and then began to limp. We let him sleep to see if it would pass. Friday morning he woke up and the limp was so bad he fell. He said that there was a pain between the ball of his foot to his heal. He would walk on the very edge of his foot (not his toes) and couldnt lay his foot flat on the ground. We made a Dr appt with his pediatrition. His primary checked him out and couldnt find anything. But then I told the Dr about what happened at school. He immediately sent us to Children's Hospital. He was concerned he needed an xray or it was nerves. We rushed to the ER at Children's Hospital. After hours of waiting and xrays, they still didnt find anything. They did bring to our attention that he was sooo flat footed and that maybe thats the reason (his arches fell) or if he gets a fever that it could be an infection in his foots lining. So they sent us home with bedrest and mortin.
Well, have you ever bedrest a hyper 4 year old with a 1 year old addicted to my brother sister! Wow, that was a challenge. By Sunday, my Mom suggested to make him walk....maybe he was fearful of the pain if he did walk correctly. So slowly but surely he began to walk (with several moans and groans) by evening he kicked a ball and ran. He is returning to school today, with eagle eyes of his teachers. We do have to still get him looked at by a pediatric orthopedist.
We are blessed that it wasnt the worst (because my brain surely was thinking horrible ideas of what it could be). Thanks all for the thoughts and prayers.
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