In Febrary, we discovered we were pregos with baby #2 (Thanks to Aunt TiTi for being there for me at the hotel celebrating the exciting news - because Ike wouldnt answer his phone!) I also was honored with being the Marriott Metairie Manager of the Year!
March 2009 (Easter - the worst!) Noah, Poppa, Momma, Mimi and Popeye flew to Disney for Noah and Poppa's first visit to Mickey's house!
April - Noah was officially potty trained! #2 by himself!!! whooohooo!!!
May - I was put on a slight bed rest, I pulled my back out working housekeeping (and serving steaks with Aunt Titi and Chef!!)
June - Noah turned 3 and had the best Cowboy party ever! June 13th - the day our lives changed forever - - - we heard it - ITS A GIRL!
July we turned Noah's nursery into a polk a dot yellow and pink nursey for Skylar and Ike's office into a Noah's big brother room (with the help from Matt Matt and Woozie home from LSU!)
August was my first Baby Shower (since Noah was 2 months early I didnt get to have one!) the hotel managers and staff gave it - it was a blast (thanks Aunt Titi and Grandma Paula!) Also, Jack and Jean got married at a beautiful ceremony on Biloxi Beach.
Baby Shower #2 was in September by Godmother Mae Mae and Aunt Kat at my mom and dad's house! During September I also discovered my new obsession of designing my own baby items and requested Santa bring me a monogram machine!SEPTEMBER was a month of FIRSTS or Noah: first visit to Dox the dentist (Woozie's daddy) and first visit to the Circus with Woozie and MattMatt. Noah's 1st Zephyr's baseball game.
OCTOBER changed our lives with me being admitted to the hospital 3 times in 1 week but the final result was Skylar MacKenzie Joan Manuel on the 23rd via Csection! October 31st we attended a Halloween party at Lillian's - Skylar's first outing!
November we relaxed and got into our routine with Skylar and had a quiet Thanksgiving dinner at Mr Ed's with my brother and Denise.
December was my 30th birthday - oooohhhh wow~ our first gingerbread house building; first time visiting Miracle on Fulton St, and Christmas in the Oaks with Skylar! A wonderful Christmas at Granny's house - 32 people in total celebrating the holiday (Pops was definitely smiling at everyone in town to be a family!)

Sounds like you guys had a roller coaster year! I think 2010 is going to be fantastic!
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