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Saturday, October 31, 2009


If you read several blog postings back, Noah was determined that Skylar was coming in time to go Trick or Treating with him and that she was going to be a pumpkin! So I decided, JUST IN CASE, to purchase a pumpkin outfit for her to wear. Well, to our surprise...of course she is here in time to go!

Below is a photo of the pumpkin outfit....the one on the left is her outfit she fits in...its a preemie! Of course, this pumpkin newborn is not going to fit.... after Skylar's 4am feeding I got creative! I cut up the entire pumpkin outfit and began to recreate a preemie onesies....and here is her new Halloween outfit for tonight!
photos later tonight!

Friday, October 30, 2009


We made it a week already! Sleep is still limited at night time. Noah has exceeded my expectations as a big brother. As soon as he wakes up he goes to look in her crib for his baby. He loves playing peek a boo with her. Also, he is very protective of her. I am soo lucky!

Today was Skylar's first check up. When we left the hospital on Monday she weighed 5 lbs 5 oz and now she is at 5 lbs and 7 oz! Yeah, shes growing!!!

We have a fun filled, multiple party weekend ahead of us! Photos to come!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


This was the first time Momma got to see her Princess!
Proud Poppa with his baby girl!
Saturday morning was a blast with Aunt Mae Mae and Aunt Kathy visiting at the hospital. We chatted, laughed, and gossiped all day!
My mom found the dress that I came home in. The dress was huge on Skylar, but a memory! This was during her hospital shots, Ike snuck in and snapped a few (his came out better than the photographers!)
By Sunday, Noah was better about this little creature in his life. My dad was right, he thought Skylar was going to come out his size and ready to play. We were thrilled when Lil and Ms Susan showed up to
play at the hospital. The two kids are blowing kisses at Skylar!
Oh Skylar has Poppa wrapped around her fingers!
This is my mini - me!
Finally after a 5 hour wait, we were leaving the hospital at 7:45 pm last night!
Skylar's first car ride!
Skylar first time in her crib! Yeah, this precious little sleepy girl lasted about 5 minutes after this photo was taken. She and I walked the house from 2a-6a when she crashed!
When Noah came home from school today, he asked Poppa if he could feed Skylar! This melted my heart!
Monty is not thrilled that I have another little one around!
I do want to say a HUGE and SPECIAL thank you to the best parents in the world. Mimi and Popeye had Noah while we were in the hospital. Lets just say that a 3 year old can keep you VERY busy. They are so wonderful to help us out! I know that tonight they are going to sleep heavenly without my little monster! (mom and dad - you are the best! 88)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mini me

Skylar has her days and nights mixed with her feedings. Last night it took 2hrs and the sweetest nurse Kim to get her to latch on. Today she let us sleep 4hrs and I even took a shower. About to walk the hallways to stretch my body and heal the stitches. We are still waiting on what day we will be discharged but in the mean time God has blessed us and completed our family!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

She has arrived

Skylar Mackenzie Joan Manuel arrived into this world today at 346 pm weighing 6 lbs 1oz 18 1/2 long

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So this morning was a train wreck, the hospital had me scheduled as OUTPATIENT SURGERY didnt even have me as labor and delivery. I got sad and emotional, but 45 minutes later I went up to L&D-the nurses themselves were sooo confused of what was going on today, why I was discharged last night, etc. It definitely didnt make me feel better.

Finally, I got my blood work taken. The nurse came in to give me an IV, I explained she is not going to get it in my left arm...did she listen? NO! After 20 minutes of her sticking me several times, she said "Im frustrated, it wont take. I will let someone else come do it" no one ever came!

Midmorning, Dr McClure (my dr), 3 nurses, 2 med students, 1 med teacher, and Dr Dola (the head labor and delivery dr for the hospital) entered the room. I made jokes where's that party, who brought the popcorn, etc. It was like they did an all call stating hey come to Ms Manuel's room to see the amnio. Poor Ike got blocked from my view because of how many people were around me.

The amnio was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. It took 20 minutes for them to calm Skylar down to find a pocket to withdraw. The initial stick was easy, going through my skin was as painful as getting blood drawn, but when they entered the placenta the feeling was weird. I began to have a contraction. It was strange! 10 minutes later I was told to take a deep breath and they pulled out - that was the most painful - like a really bad/deep contraction!

Of course the main test results were tainted with blood, so the test was not accurate and false. The 2nd round showed up as intermediate - no one had an answer to what that means. After talking to the head resident, they decided not to do the csection and let her lungs mature a few more days. So now we wait....and wait...and wait...

I know its in God's hands and time. I just hate the waiting and too many decision makers. My doctor is soo ready to do the csection, but is getting trumped by the other dr. Oh well, we are waiting for the test results (hopefully by tomorrow afternoon).

Please keep the prayers coming for her safety in my belly!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ooohhh Skylar...

Went in for routine checkup on Monday. I fainted and my blood pressure was elevated. They admitted me to lakeside hospital over night for monitoring. Going home today BUT... Will be back Wednesday morning for bloodwork and an amniocentesis. If Skylar test results show she is mature then she will enter this world by Wednesday night. If the results are negative we will have our csection on Friday. Noah has been saying she was going to be here by Halloween... And my little pumpkin will arrive!!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


After a wonderful girl's day afternoon with Aunt Mae Mae and Aunt Kathy, we took Noah to the pumpkin patch - just the local church one. It only took Noah 10 minutes and he was ready to go! He didn't like being outside in the cold! So of course we had to go see Mimi and Popeye and show them his pumpkin.

Momma (about to pop with baby Skylar) and NoNo - he found this tiny pumpkin in the middle of the big one!

"I'm soo strong!"
the final result...Noah picked out an even smaller pumpkin for baby Skylar...he didn't want to carve his so we bought silly face stickers. Noah and Mimi were flying in the wind!

can you see the serious concentration on the ball? HOME RUN!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


had another great check up today. she is looking great! dr mcclure said we are in countdown mode. dr chau, the specialist, will decide on the 27th the exact date. we tried for an ultrasound...but once again the princess was faced down. but we did get her weight...5lbs! she has gained 1 full pound in 2 weeks!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Ike, Noah, Mae, Nikola and I went out to the Lakefront yesterday. It was the "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" walk. The day was beautiful (windy) but cool. It was soo much fun! Noah and I were cheerleaders on the levee. (didn't think it would be too smart to walk a 5K)!
This is our 2nd year participating. Ike gets a kick out of the tshirts people create. Last year our favorite was SAVE THE TATAS. This years favorite "Help Save 2nd Base!" hahahaa!!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Noah has been asking to be a Kid's Doctor for Halloween for sometime. I am thrilled that I found miniscrubs and doctor's kit. I also think it will be adorable for him to wear his scrubs when Skylar is born.