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Thursday, May 7, 2009


We had an appointment with Dr Chao, a high risk pregnancy doctor. (side note: this is the same doctor that saw us when I was not feeling well with Noah. She noticed on the ultrasound that my placenta abrupted and did an emergency c-section 2 months early.) It was a really long day at the hospital with blood work and test. After 1 hour on the ultrasound, we got a clean bill of health for baby #2. They did do the test for down syndrome and t-18 for precautionary reasons, but no signs of danger left over from Noah's bad pregnancy. She did notice that I am carrying low and for two months I cant hold Noah, lift items, or as she put it - No messing around - hahahahaa!!!

this is a bad phone camera photo, but hopefully I can make it better so you can see. Unfortunately, this shy gummy bear wouldnt show off for us...maybe at our next visit we will find out the sex!!!