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Thursday, March 19, 2009


I brought Ike to work today and driving back towards the hotel, I took a side street to bypass traffic. As I was about to turn, I noticed this building. No signage, side entrance (hidden) and really gloomy area. I have seen it before but NEVER really stopped to notice. This morning, two teenage girls were walking in circles with their mother and praying. I noticed their rosary beads. I became angry. I "googled" the Causeway Clinic the second I got into my office....its an abortion clinic. This really REALLY upsets me. I will pray today and thus forward for the girls that feel this is right. There are SOOOO many couples in this world that can not be blessed with giving birth. Wow, this was really motivating today. I have never experienced these emotions on abortion until now, physically seeing a building where it occurs. God Bless those unborn children.