As I was sharing the other day, I have a few friends posting their holiday decor. It has been so cute to watch: a dating couple, a newlywed couple, a family with small children, a family with grown children and how each decorate SOOOOOO differently. This year, I kept it low key due to my surgery and the hotel is really busy too. I thought I would share with you our family holiday decor (thanks Mimi!)
Below is our mantle. I love this large oversize fireplace. This year I went with a red, white and silver theme and it turned out GREAT! The three photos in the center are myself, Noah and Ike at the same age (18 1/2 months old). My original intent was to have each of our first Christmas photos to hang up, but thanks to Hurricane Katrina we lost all of Ike's childhood photos. (Thanks to my dad scanning a few for our wedding, we have this one of Ike!) Oh, yeah Noah doesn't have two stockings, that's Ike Superman stocking that he ADORES!
Since Ike and I have been married, I have continued the tradition of the Danos' family. Each year we purchase an ornament that signifies what we did that specific year. Needless to say for the first year of our marriage we only had 3 ornaments. Now with Noah and 4 years of marriage behind us the tree is truly filling out. This year I had to find just the right ornament for the NoNo-bear. And here it is................ How cute is the potty training ornament? I absolutely love it!
Here is the overall tree. (Not nearly as GINORMOUS as the Ireland's- heheehee!) I am allergic to pine, so we are an artificial Christmas tree family. Ike and I bought this on our 1st Christmas together in Nashville. You can also see the beautiful rocking horse that my dad (Popeye) made for my brother and I to pass down for generations. At the bottom of the tree are the first two years of Noah's Christmas with Santa photos. Oh, I cant forget Baby Jesus. On my birthday when we were putting up the decorations, Noah was terribly upset that we didn't have a Baby Jesus. So my mom and dad found the most adorable manger and baby for us to put under the tree. We will slowly build our Nativity. But daily Noah goes to visit HIS Baby Jesus and tells him his birthday is coming soon and Santa is bringing his birthday present!!!
Since I was born on December 6th, in Catholic tradition, this is the original celebration of St Nicholas (and my patron saint that I am confirmed as). With that, my mom began my collection of old St Nicholas statues. On the far left is a Santa, this is a proceline letter holder and the two green angels on the right are my great grandmother, MawMaw Agnes, made and when she passed it was my one request to have! And of course Nemo's bowl was decorated by Noah special for the holidays!
To complete our holiday, Honeybee and Dox gave Noah (his first Christmas) a fun Advent calendar. Noah's favorite thing is to move the "dog angel" day by day!
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