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Thursday, February 12, 2009


Today is my first day off in what seems like ages, I promised Ike I would deep clean the house and prepare it for Aunt Kathy visit this weekend. Of course, the second he and Noah left for work/school, I was so into my "to do"! I blasted the TV music station and began scrubbing the oven. I opened up the house (because Ike didnt buy FUME FREE spray - Oh, yeah! I am feeling...well you know). I started the laundry, put the dishes away, then the computer was calling me..."come play!" Of course, I logged in and noticed....58 days until DISNEY! I am totally thrilled and cant wait. To get into the trip and to include some Love in the air, I jazzed up our blog and changed the music to all Disney favs!

Well, 1 1/2 hours later on the computer, my "to do's" are waiting for me. I hope you are all well. I am thinking of each of you. xoxo, danos